Reduce time to market; run custom automated tests today!
Symplify Now is an application that lets users complete simple datalogging activities and run automated tests without requiring any programming experience. Everything required can be configured directly in the user interface to offer the flexibility to interface many typical instruments including NI products and traditional equipment.
Compiled & Ready to run
Do you want to run automated tests today? Symplify Now is ready to communicate with your test equipment and NI DAQ.
You can also integrate your own devices with CAN communication or multiple serial protocols.
Datalogging & Controls
Symplify Now can be used as a datalogger with NI hardware but it is much capable.
Without any programming, you can use the controls to send commands to your SCPI instruments, toggle NI DAQ digital outputs or even generate complex waveforms on analog output modules.
Open design & open-source
You can include your own NI LabVIEW code at run-time within the program. The entire Symplify Now! source code is available with a complete Symplify license to modify user interface and integrate certain components into your custom application.
Real-Time with NI CompactRIO
Symplify Now is fully compatible with the NI CompactRIO 9049 for reliable and deterministic applications.
The complete user interface available from a computer on the same network.