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Webinar – Simple solutions to 5 common challenges with LabVIEW based ATE

The problem with custom test systems are very similar: interface with multiple instruments, keep complex, evolving, test procedures synchronized and make the process repeatable to so your computer application can generate reliable data that can be analyzed quickly. Those instruments are typically from different manufacturers and speak different protocols so it’s a pretty difficult objective to reach. Therefore, when “off the shelf” test systems don’t cover your needs, a good level of DiY to run cohesive profiles that produce meaningful and repeatable results.

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Partnering with Testforce and NI, Synovus is presenting a webinar on November 16th at 1PM ET (10AM Pacific) to discuss many of the challenges and opportunities to greatly reduce the development time of your ATE and increase repeatability and determinism, two of the biggest issues in collecting great data to answer complicated questions and go to market faster! This webinar will be focused almost exclusively around LabVIEW code development and how to easily tackle the most common problems faced by both junior and senior engineers. We really hope that these few ideas and concepts shed some lights on issues you are currently facing and also lead to great, sometimes difficult conversions within your teams about how to solve the challenges that you are currently facing.

Key concepts presented:

  • Planning for the unexpected failures
  • Building data collection for the developers
  • Monitoring software performance at all time
  • Graphing data to explain all software behaviors

You can register for the event by emailing us at

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